This is a game mechanics test made for Pirate Jam 16.

A long long time ago, just on the other side of the mountain, you were an adventurer enjoying the thrill of dungeon crawling. Diving deep into the depths to dance with death and dragons, defiant of danger. Having had harrowed happenings and yet unharmed you haggled heroes for the chance to have-at the hag. Eyeing your everlasting, inexhaustible exuberance in extremes, the hag extinguished it evermore.

You woke to find yourself transformed into a sword, indestructible and eternal, cursed to endlessly do the thing you used to love but now immortal, with none of the risk or thrill left, all the joy gone. Tired and defeated, you now wish only for the nihilistic solitude gained from a long rest in a dragon’s hoard. You are ‘The sword of dragon, keep!’

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